Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Video: "Give Us Your Cash. . ."

Ladd Ehlinger Jr's latest video has hit the streets.

But before I get to the video, some context by Robert Stacy:

Janice Hahn is the Democrat running for Congress in the July 12 special election in California’s 36th District, to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Jane Harman.

As a member of the Los Angeles City Council, Hahn promoted a program to use taxpayer money to hire convicted criminals as “gang intervention specialists.” Predictably, Hahn’s government employment program for gangsters amounted to a taxpayer subsidy for violent crime.

The Democrat Party: No bad idea goes unrewarded.

Moving on, this video wasn't produced by the Republican candidate but by Turn Right, USA.

Video would be roughly rated a PG-13 for those at work or at home with families.

I'll let Ladd explain what the video is about:

It's having fun with a basic metaphor. You can guess what the metaphor is.

Before you charge racism at the ad, consider her one line in the video: "It takes a different kind of person to speak the language." By that she means, it takes black people to talk to black people. It takes gang members to talk to gang members. They have their own language, we should coddle them. They're not responsible for their actions if they murder someone, rape someone. They're a minority.

And who doesn't like a good metaphor?

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